Dear Friends Freely , as I anticipated, approaching a week truly exceptional in terms of cultural TODAY! Every evening an event. An opportunity for all those who love the history, traditions and dialect of our territory to leave the television off and go out, because no, every night.
images of a past that is told
Meeting - Cooperative Credit Bank of Upper Brianza
Branch today - Via Lazzaretto, 15 / a
It 's the title of the project. The farms, once a symbol of the Brianza lived, then almost totally denied to be radically replaced by factories and a new urbanization. Now on the contrary, the vision of that time not only in terms of landscape, but also as a way of life has changed so much that could be designed for our future.
MONDAY October 18 at 20:30 the evening will be characterized by storytelling.
The people, once it was bombarded by many stimuli such as today and had to seek the only way to exit from everyday life, to enthuse, to travel with the imagination. The opportunity could also be a talk or rally around someone who told stories.
points could be spent more in the past the stables or the "funtana" where women were washing clothes but also to exchange news and gossip, or more recently the inns or the square "mercàa.
The intent of this evening is to recreate the atmosphere of those times that until the advent of television were so frequent.
But they were stories of that time gone? To help us host this evening Emilio Magni , journalist and writer Erbes, a witness with his personal memories, great stories and look for thorough research of traditions of our past. And while you get tired of saying that the dialect is dying, Magni with his books says that's not true. As an extraordinary soul Alert lists, ranking check in a linguistic world which was the port and Tessa Franco Loi, who charmed the great writers such as Carlo Emilio Gadda or Giuan Brera and continues to go crazy Alberto Arbasino.
Emilio Magni, professional journalist, was editor in "La Provincia di Como" and "The Day". Passionate about his land, throughout the provinces, but also travels around the world, has written numerous essays on folk traditions and Brianza a report in the South-East Asia on the international drug trade.
DOMINIONI With Alessandro Editore has published "This is yours, is the mine, died al'umbrìa.
With Murcia has published "The dialect of the trades" (2007), "which look beautiful Ciumbia tusa" (2008) and "Stories of the country - That Bettonica of Rosetta" (2009)
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